Sequence objects

class sima.Sequence

Object containing data from sequentially acquired imaging data.

Sequences are created with a call to the create method.

>>> from sima import Sequence
>>> from sima.misc import example_hdf5
>>> path = example_hdf5()
>>> seq = Sequence.create('HDF5', path, 'yxt')

Sequences are array like, and can be converted to numpy arrays or passed as arguments into numpy functions that take arrays.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.array(seq)
>>> time_avg = np.mean(seq, axis=0)
>>> np.shape(seq) == seq.shape

Note, however, that the application of numpy functions to Sequence objects may force the entire sequence to be loaded into memory at once. Depending on the size of the data and the available memory, this may result in memory errors. If possible, consider slicing the array prior prior to applying the numpy function.



(num_frames, num_planes, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels)


Used to convert the Sequence to a numpy array.

>>> import sima
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.ones((10, 3, 16, 16, 2))
>>> seq = sima.Sequence.create('ndarray', data)
>>> np.all(data == np.array(seq))

Create a new Sequence by slicing this Sequence.


Iterate over the frames of the Sequence.

The yielded structures are numpy arrays of the shape (num_planes, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels).

classmethod create(fmt, *args, **kwargs)

Create a Sequence object.

  • fmt ({‘HDF5’, ‘TIFF’, ‘TIFFs’, ‘ndarray’}) – The format of the data used to create the Sequence.
  • *args
  • **kwargs

    Additional arguments depending on the data format. See Notes below.


Below are explanations of the arguments for each format.


path : str
The HDF5 filename, typically with .h5 extension.
dim_order : str
Specification of the order of the dimensions. This string can contain the letters ‘t’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, and ‘c’, representing time, column, row, plane, and channel, respectively. For example, ‘tzyxc’ indicates that the HDF5 data dimensions represent time (t), plane (z), row (y), column(x), and channel (c), respectively. The string ‘tyx’ indicates data that data for a single imaging plane and single channel has been stored in a HDF5 dataset with three dimensions representing time (t), column (y), and row (x) respectively. Note that SIMA 0.1.x does not support multiple z-planes, although these will be supported in future versions.
group : str, optional
The HDF5 group containing the imaging data. Defaults to using the root group ‘/’
key : str, optional
The key for indexing the the HDF5 dataset containing the imaging data. This can be omitted if the HDF5 group contains only a single key.
>>> from sima import Sequence
>>> from sima.misc import example_hdf5
>>> path = example_hdf5()
>>> seq = Sequence.create('HDF5', path, 'yxt')
>>> seq.shape == (20, 1, 128, 256, 1)


Moving the HDF5 file may make this Sequence unusable when the ImagingDataset is reloaded. The HDF5 file can only be moved if the ImagingDataset path is also moved such that they retain the same relative position.


This format is appropriate when the imaging data is stored in a single multi-page TIFF file, with each page containing a different frame. If the TIFF file contains interleaved data from multiple planes or channels, then the number of planes or channels should be specified.

path : str
The path to the file storing the imaging data.
num_planes : int, optional
The number of interleaved planes. Default: 1.
num_channels : int, optional
The number of interleaved channels. Default: 1.


Moving the TIFF file may make this Sequence unusable when the ImagingDataset is reloaded. The TIFF file can only be moved if the ImagingDataset path is also moved such that they retain the same relative position.


This format is appropriate when the imaging data is stored in single-page TIFF files, with each file containing the data from a single frame.

paths : list of list of str
The string paths[i][j] is a Unix style expression for the filenames for plane i and channel j. See glob for details on how to format such a string.
>>> from sima import Sequence
>>> seq = Sequence.create('TIFFs', [['example/example_??.tif']])
>>> seq = Sequence.create('TIFFs', [['example/example_*.tif']])


Moving the TIFF files may make this Sequence unusable when the ImagingDataset is reloaded. The TIFF files can only be moved if the ImagingDataset path is also moved such that they retain the same relative position.


array : numpy.ndarray
A numpy array of shape (num_frames, num_planes, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels)
export(filenames, fmt='TIFF16', fill_gaps=False, channel_names=None)

Save frames to the indicated filenames.

This function stores a multipage tiff file for each channel.

  • filenames (str or list of list str) – The names of the output files. For HDF5 files, this must be a single string. For TIFF formats, this should be a list of list of strings, such that filenames[i][j] corresponds to the ith plane and the jth channel.
  • fmt ({‘HDF5’, ‘TIFF16’, ‘TIFF8’}) – The output file format.
  • fill_gaps (bool, optional) – Whether to fill in missing data with pixel intensities from adjacent frames. Default: False.
  • channel_names (list of str, optional) – List of labels for the channels to be saved if using HDF5 format.
static join(*sequences)

Join together sequences representing different channels.

Parameters:sequences (sima.Sequence) – Each argument is a Sequence representing a different channel.
Returns:joined_sequence – A single sequence with multiple channels.
Return type:sima.Sequence


>>> from sima import Sequence
>>> from sima.misc import example_hdf5
>>> path = example_hdf5()
>>> seq = Sequence.create('HDF5', path, 'yxt')
>>> joined = Sequence.join(seq, seq)
>>> joined.shape[4] == 2 * seq.shape[4]  # twice as many channels
>>> joined.shape[:4] == seq.shape[:4]  # the frame shape is unchanged

Apply a mask to the sequence.

Masked values will be represented as numpy.NaN.

Parameters:masks (list of tuple) – Each element of the list is a tuple describing a mask. Each mask tuple can have the form (frames, zyx-mask, channels) or (frames, planes, yx-mask, channels). The frames and channels elements of the tuple are lists of the frames and channels to which the mask is to be applied. They yx-mask element is a binary array whose True values indicate the pixels to be masked. If any of the entries is set to None, than the mask will be fully applied along that dimension.


Mask out frame 3 entirely:

>>> from sima import Sequence
>>> from sima.misc import example_hdf5
>>> path = example_hdf5()
>>> seq = Sequence.create('HDF5', path, 'yxt')
>>> masked_seq = seq.mask([(3, None, None)])
>>> [np.all(np.isnan(frame))
...  for i, frame in enumerate(masked_seq) if i < 5]
[False, False, False, True, False]

Mask out plane 0 of frame 3:

>>> masked_seq = seq.mask([(3, 0, None, None)])

Mask out certain pixels at all times in channel 0.

>>> mask = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, seq.shape[1:-1])
>>> masked_seq = seq.mask([(None, mask, 0)])