ImagingDataset objects

class sima.ImagingDataset(sequences, savedir, channel_names=None, read_only=False)

A multiple sequence imaging dataset.

Imaging data sets can be iterated over to generate sequences, which can in turn be iterated over to generate imaging frames.


>>> import sima 
>>> from sima.misc import example_data
>>> dataset = sima.ImagingDataset.load(example_data())

Datasets can be iterated over as follows:

>>> for sequence in dataset:
...     for frame in sequence:
...         for plane in frame:
...             for row in plane:
...                 for column in row:
...                     for channel in column:
...                         pass

Datasets can also be indexed and sliced.

>>> dataset[0].num_sequences
>>> dataset[:, 0].num_frames
>>> dataset[:, 0].frame_shape == dataset.frame_shape

The resulting sliced datasets are not saved by default.

  • sequences (list of sima.Sequence) – Imaging sequences that can each be iterated over to yield the imaging data from each acquisition time.
  • savedir (str) – The directory used to store the dataset. If the directory name does not end with .sima, then this extension will be appended.
  • channel_names (list of str, optional) – Names for the channels. Defaults to [‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ...].


The number of sequences in the ImagingDataset.


tuple of int

The shape of each frame, in order (num_planes, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels).



The total number of image frames in the ImagingDataset.


dict of (str, ROIList)

The sets of ROIs saved with this ImagingDataset.


list of ndarray

The time-averaged intensity for each channel.



The standard deviation of the intensity for each channel. Useful for knowing how dynamic each pixel is.



The kurtosis of the intensity for each channel. Better than std deviation for knowing how dynamic each pixel is.

classmethod load(path)

Load a saved ImagingDataset object.

add_ROIs(ROIs, label=None)

Add a set of ROIs to the ImagingDataset.

  • ROIs (ROIList) – The regions of interest (ROIs) to be added.
  • label (str, optional) – The label associated with the ROIList. Defaults to using the timestamp as a label.


Import an ROIList from a zip file containing ROIs created with NIH ImageJ.

>>> from sima.ROI import ROIList
>>> from sima.misc import example_imagej_rois,example_data
>>> from sima.imaging import ImagingDataset
>>> dataset = ImagingDataset.load(example_data())
>>> rois = ROIList.load(example_imagej_rois(), fmt='ImageJ')
>>> dataset.add_ROIs(rois, 'from_ImageJ')
import_transformed_ROIs(source_dataset, method=u'affine', source_channel=0, target_channel=0, source_label=None, target_label=None, anchor_label=None, copy_properties=True, pre_processing_method=None, pre_processing_kwargs=None, **method_kwargs)

Calculate a transformation that maps the source ImagingDataset onto this ImagingDataset, transforms the source ROIs by this mapping, and then imports them into this ImagingDataset.

  • source_dataset (ImagingDataset) – The ImagingDataset object from which ROIs are to be imported. This dataset must be roughly of the same field-of-view as self in order to calculate an affine transformation.
  • method (string, optional) – Method to use for transform calculation.
  • source_channel (string or int, optional) – The channel of the source image from which to calculate an affine transformation, either an integer index or a string in source_dataset.channel_names.
  • target_channel (string or int, optional) – The channel of the target image from which to calculate an affine transformation, either an integer index or a string in self.channel_names.
  • source_label (string, optional) – The label of the ROIList to transform
  • target_label (string, optional) – The label to assign the transformed ROIList
  • anchor_label (string, optional) – If None, use automatic dataset registration. Otherwise, the label of the ROIList that contains a single ROI with vertices defining anchor points common to both datasets.
  • copy_properties (bool, optional) – Copy the label, id, tags, and im_shape properties from the source ROIs to the transformed ROIs
  • pre_processing_method (string, optional) – pre-processing step applied before image registration
  • pre_processing_kwargs (dictionary, optional) – arguments for pre-processing of image
  • **method_kwargs

    Additional arguments can be passed in specific to the particular method. For example, ‘order’ for a polynomial transform estimation.


Delete an ROI set from the rois.pkl file

Removes the file if no sets left.

Parameters:label (string) – The label of the ROI Set to remove from the rois.pkl file
export_averages(filenames, fmt=u'TIFF16', scale_values=True, projection_type=u'average')

Save TIFF files with the time average of each channel.

For datasets with multiple frames, the resulting TIFF files have multiple pages.

  • filenames (str or list of str) – A single (.h5) output filename, or a list of (.tif) output filenames with one per channel.
  • fmt ({‘TIFF8’, ‘TIFF16’, ‘HDF5’}, optional) – The format of the output files. Defaults to 16-bit TIFF.
  • scale_values (bool, optional) – Whether to scale the values to use the full range of the output format. Defaults to False.
  • projection_type ({‘average’, ‘std’, ‘kurtosis’}, optional) – Whether to take average z projection, the std z projection, or the kurtosis projection. std and kurtosis are useful for finding the dynamic pixels
export_frames(filenames, fmt=u'TIFF16', fill_gaps=True, scale_values=False, compression=None)

Export imaging data from the dataset.

  • filenames (list of list of list of string or list of string) – Path to the locations where the output files will be saved. If fmt is TIFF, filenames[i][j][k] is the path to the file for sequence i, plane j, channel k. If fmt is ‘HDF5’, filenames[i] is the path to the file for the ith sequence.
  • fmt ({‘TIFF8’, ‘TIFF16’, ‘HDF5’}, optional) – The format of the output files. Defaults to 16-bit TIFF.
  • fill_gaps (bool, optional) – Whether to fill in unobserved rows with data from adjacent frames. Defaults to True.
  • scale_values (bool, optional) – Whether to scale the values to use the full range of the output format. Defaults to False. Channels are scaled separately.
  • compression ({None, ‘gzip’, ‘lzf’, ‘szip’}, optional) – If not None and ‘fmt’ is ‘HDF5’, compress the data with the specified lossless compression filter. See h5py docs for details on each compression filter.
export_signals(path, fmt=u'csv', channel=0, signals_label=None)

Export extracted signals to a file.

  • path (str) – The name of the file that will store the exported data.
  • fmt ({‘csv’}, optional) – The export format. Currently, only ‘csv’ export is available.
  • channel (string or int, optional) – The channel from which to export signals, either an integer index or a string in self.channel_names.
  • signals_label (str, optional) – The label of the extracted signal set to use. By default, the most recently extracted signals are used.
extract(rois=None, signal_channel=0, label=None, remove_overlap=True, n_processes=1, demix_channel=None, save_summary=True)

Extracts imaging data from the current dataset using the supplied ROIs file.

  • rois (sima.ROI.ROIList, optional) – ROIList of rois to extract
  • signal_channel (string or int, optional) – Channel containing the signal to be extracted, either an integer index or a name in self.channel_names.
  • label (string or None, optional) – Text label to describe this extraction, if None defaults to a timestamp.
  • remove_overlap (bool, optional) – If True, remove any pixels that overlap between masks.
  • n_processes (int, optional) – Number of processes to farm out the extraction across. Should be at least 1 and at most one less then the number of CPUs in the computer. Defaults to 1.
  • demix_channel (string or int, optional) – Channel to demix from the signal channel, either an integer index or a name in self.channel_names If None, do not demix signals.
  • save_summary (bool, optional) – If True, additionally save a summary of the extracted ROIs.

signals – The extracted signals along with parameters and values calculated during extraction. Contains the following keys:

raw, demixed_raw : list of arrays

The raw/demixed extracted signal. List of length num_sequences, each element is an array of shape (num_ROIs, num_frames).

mean_frame : array

Time-averaged mean frame of entire dataset.

overlap : tuple of arrays

Tuple of (rows, cols) such that zip(overlap) returns row, col pairs of pixel coordinates that are in more than one mask. Note: coordinates are for the **flattened* image, so ‘rows’ is always 0s.

signal_channel : int

The index of the channel that was extracted.

rois : list of dict

All the ROIs used for the extraction with the order matched to the order of the rows in ‘raw’. See sima.ROI.todict for details of dictionary format.

timestamp : string

Date and time of extraction in ‘%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss’ format

Return type:



Save the ImagingDataset to a file.

segment(strategy, label=None, planes=None)

Segment an ImagingDataset to generate ROIs.

  • strategy (sima.segment.SegmentationStrategy) – The strategy for segmentation.
  • label (str, optional) – Label to be associated with the segmented set of ROIs.
  • planes (list of int) – List of the planes that are to be segmented.

ROIs – The segmented regions of interest.

Return type:



Return a dictionary of extracted signals

Parameters:channel (string or int) – The channel to load signals for, either an integer index or a string in self.channel_names
infer_spikes(channel=0, label=None, gamma=None, share_gamma=True, mode=u'correct', verbose=False)

Infer the most likely discretized spike train underlying a fluorescence trace.

  • channel (string or int, optional) – The channel to be used for spike inference.
  • label (string or None, optional) – Text string indicating the signals from which spikes should be inferred. Defaults to the most recently extracted signals.
  • gamma (float, optional) – Gamma is 1 - timestep/tau, where tau is the time constant of the AR(1) process. If no value is given, then gamma is estimated from the data.
  • share_gamma (bool, optional) – Whether to apply the same gamma estimate to all ROIs. Defaults to True.
  • mode ({‘correct’, ‘robust’, ‘psd’}, optional) – The method for estimating sigma. The ‘robust’ method overestimates the noise by assuming that gamma = 1. The ‘psd’ method estimates sigma from the PSD of the fluorescence data. Default: ‘correct’.
  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print status updates. Default: False.

  • spikes (ndarray of float) – The inferred normalized spike count at each time-bin. Values are normalized to the maximum value over all time-bins. Shape: (num_rois, num_timebins).
  • fits (ndarray of float) – The inferred denoised fluorescence signal at each time-bin. Shape: (num_rois, num_timebins).
  • parameters (dict of (str, ndarray of float)) – Dictionary with values for ‘sigma’, ‘gamma’, and ‘baseline’.


We strongly recommend installing MOSEK (; free for academic use) which greatly speeds up the inference.


  • Pnevmatikakis et al. 2015. Submitted (arXiv:1409.2903).
  • Machado et al. 2015. Submitted.
  • Vogelstein et al. 2010. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(6): 3691-3704.